Owning a kiwi bach to spend summers in or even winters can often be a rare luxury for some. However, more and more families are finding themselves working towards purchasing a home just to relax in and with good reason too. It’s a worthy investment, available all-year-round for your comfort and can make a quick weekend getaway that much cheaper and more private. However, because we can’t all live in our holiday homes permanently, they also become more likely to be the target of criminals. Hence why we at EAV encourage you to make your bach a smart home.
Here are some ways a smart home can offer enhanced protection and security throughout the year.
Allows Holiday Homeowners To Open, Close And Lock Doors Remotely
Sensors on your doors and even windows can alert you to whether they are open or closed. If you are unsure if guests, including those AirBNB travellers have locked doors and closed windows before leaving your property, or if a window or door has somehow opened by itself or been forced open, you can simply do a surveillance sweep and ensure all entryways are secure from your phone. This is time saving tech that provides peace of mind!
Prevents Hazardous Situations
Fires can break out anytime, anywhere. Guests may accidentally leave a burning candle on their departure, forget to switch off the gas or not notice an electrical fault. With sensors ready to alarm you of a fire, you can quickly react and call emergency services to the situation immediately.
Instant Access Anywhere
When the unexpected happens, not many of us can react quickly enough. Sudden burst water pipes can cause disastrous water damage and you may only realise there’s a problem if neighbours call you up or on your next trip down to your vacation home. Checking your property every week through the use of a smart surveillance system can ensure you catch any accidents in time.
Avoid Burglaries
Holiday homes can be an expensive investment and should be protected, but if you cannot physically be there all the time – the risk of burglary increases drastically. Criminals who notice an empty house will quickly target it, but with an effective integrated security system, you can deter them by installing a system like Control4 that offers ‘mockupancy’ which is a randomised lighting scene for the whole house, based on actual usage from your personal history and is far more superior than the classic old timer switching on lights etc. Once you are notified by sensors that there are intruders in your home, you can contact the police and scare them off.
Although many still assume a smart home only provides you with comfort and convenience, it also offers families peace of mind knowing that their smart home, or smart holiday home, is completely secure with the touch of a button. For those who usually rent out their baches for a secondary income or usually lend it out to family and friends, keeping your property in good condition and safely secured is paramount to your investment.
Contact the experts at EAV to learn more about our smart solutions that will safeguard your home or your home away from home today!