One of the biggest home automation trends in 2021 is the growing popularity of smart security. It’s further proof that smart devices have very down-to-earth practical applications that make them essential in preserving our quality of life. This is especially true when it comes to home and business security and we have recent statistics to prove it.
2020 crime statistics released by the New Zealand police revealed that 73% of all crimes are committed against property and particularly residential properties. 7 out of 10 burglaries are residential burglaries, with most of them happening in the early afternoon. However, the statistics also showed that burglary victimisations decreased by 11.8% in 2020, in comparison to the previous 12 months.
It’s interesting to note that property crime is decreasing at the same time that we’ve seen the increased use of smart alarm systems, CCTV and access control systems. Can cutting-edge security products like ours take any credit for this decrease? Actually, we believe they are largely responsible for a marked decline in property crime, and again we point to the statistics to endorse that claim.
Overseas research mirrors what is happening here in New Zealand. For example, in a recent American study, 60% of professional criminals found smart security systems to be a very strong deterrent. In comparison to old-fashioned security products, such as wired alarm systems that are easy to deactivate, smart security was, as its name implies, too clever for most professional criminals to get through.
Let’s not forget that 7 out of 10 burglaries are residential burglaries. We’re not surprised by this as most commercial premises have alarm systems, CCTV, access control systems and monitoring. Yet the majority of New Zealand houses have no security measurements, even ones that contain smart devices for other purposes. For example, people will invest big money in audio streaming throughout the home or a cinematic video experience. Yet they seem to forget that there are security products now available that are just as high-tech. Thankfully, if 2021 home automation trends are anything to go by, a number of them are waking up to the fact that smart security is a valuable addition to their residential technology portfolio.
When it comes to securing your home or business, there are two ways you can go about it: the old fashioned way or the smart way. Old fashioned security represents little challenge to professional criminals in this day and age. However, smart security solutions have a level of intelligence that will outwit them. The stats prove it. So, for a smarter and better way of staying safe and secure, contact us and we’ll design a system for you.